As of May 1st, all waters in the Bräurup area are open again and can be fished depending on the weather. Then it will finally be possible again to fish for brown trout, for many an absolute highlight on a fishing holiday. The waters around our hotel are rich in these magnificent fish. But where can you find them? And what do you have to consider if you want to catch a brown trout? The fishing Bräurup professionals reveal what is important.

Hotel Bräurup in Mittersill - Brown trout fishing in the Bräurup area

All about this exciting fish

They are among the most widespread fish in Europe and feel right at home in oxygen-rich, cool, clear, fast-flowing rivers and streams. Brown trout are real eye-catchers with their bold red and black dots on their flanks and often on their adipose fins. They love hiding spots, but aren’t exactly picky when it comes to food. Insects and larvae, snails, even small crustaceans and small fish are consumed – also in winter and during the spawning season. The closed season for brown trout in the Bräurup area ends in April when the mudflat ban is lifted. By the way, it is easiest to get good catches directly after this fishing break.

Brook trout fishing at the creek

In general, the best conditions prevail in early summer and autumn. In the early morning and late evening, the salmonids venture out of their hiding places. The bait should be adapted to the natural food. At the beginning of the season, trout are quite deep, so nymphs and streamers can do little. Fly fishermen choose rods that are as light as possible, but which can withstand loads. Brown trout are fighters, weak rods can’t keep up.

Hotel Bräurup in Mittersill

You can get the right equipment and comprehensive advice in the hotel’s own fisherman’s shop in Mittersill. Our experts will tell you what is important and what you need to consider. Book your fishing holiday at the Hotel Bräurup in Salzburger Land with guiding and courses today and benefit from our attractive fishing packages!